The principle behind Infonomics is that you must consider your information as an asset.
Once you do this, you can measure, manage and monetise your information.
This will enable you to:
- mobilise your information to create new business value,
- create new outcomes that impact your business and your customers,
- stay ahead of your competition, and most importantly,
- ensure your business survives as the digital economy expands into all aspects of our lives.
Business Executives; CEOs and other business leaders need to wield information as a corporate asset, CIOs need to improve the flow and accessibility of information and CFOs need to be able to the measure the actual and latent value of their information assets.
The newer roles of Chief Data Officer and Chief Product Officer, plus individuals such as the Data Engineer or the Data Analyst can lead their organisations to infosavvyness!
How linq can help
LINQ enables Infonomics. By quickly enabling you to capture the Information Supply Chains which represent the discernible, discrete economic benefit in which information can be monetised, managed and measured, LINQ accelerates your move to become a data-driven business.
improve operational efficiencies
Let your information flow! Understand where the blockages are and how to remove them. In the process, reduce the cost of information flow and increase the value of the outcome created.
improve maintenance
Gain insight into when updates need to happen based on value and criticality of source data. Ensure the right information is available to the right people at the right time.
improve production
Get results faster! Reduce maintenance costs, cost overruns and delays in product creation. Identify the opportunity to create new product which meets customer demands.
improve sales
Increase customer acquisition and retention, create new revenue streams through new lines of business, gain insight on how to enter new markets.
improve business relationships
Build long-term relationships with suppliers, partners and customers by better understanding their needs and delivering solutions ahead of your competition.